Gen Arthur St Clair President Thomas Carnahan (right) presented William Rudolph, the SAR Fire Commendation Medal. Mr. Rudloph is the Director of the Greensburg Fire Museum which hosts a number of fire prevention programs annually, while preserving over 200 years of firefighting memorabilia.
Gen Arthur St Clair President Thomas Carnahan (center) presents SAR Foundation pins to Ralph Shupp (right) and William Byers. In January, the chapter membership voted to award a SAR pin to each member who attends 5 meetings in order to promote member activity. To date we've awarded 14 SAR pins.
On August 20th, the members of the Gen Arthur St Clair Chapter of the SAR gathered in Historic Hannastown for their annual picnic. There were 45 members and guests in attendance. The catered luncheon and hospitality was enjoyed by all.
General Arthur St Clair Color Guard, Drummer Jim Smith, Gary Bell and Duane Myers
PASSAR President Don Mengle swears in the Genarl Arthur St Clair 2017 Officers: President Thomas Carnahan, 1st VP, Harry Huylk, 2nd VP & Registrar, Anthony Keefer, Chaplin Ralph Shupp and Secretary/Treasurer Watson Lupher.
PASSAR President Don Mengle presenting the Most Active Medium Sized Chapter award to Gen Arthur St Clair President Thomas Carnahan for the 2015 Year.
At the February 2017 regular meeting of the Gen Arthur St Clair Chapter, President Thomas Carnahan presented Charles Echard an Eagle Scout award as the Chapter's Nominee for the Eagle Scout Scholarship Contest. The Chapter also awarded Charles a $50 scholarship, and wished him well in the PASSAR and National contests This years recipient is Charles Eschard, Troop 160 and is a student at Southmoreland High School.
On May 5.2017, Compatriot Dr Ernest Sutton of the Gen Arthur St Clair Chapter of the SAR presented the SAR ROTC certificate to Hunter Peterson of the Marion Center High School ROTC at their annual banquet'
On May 6.2017, James Smith (left) of the Gen Arthur St Clair Chapter of the SAR presented the SAR ROTC certificate to Joshua A Capets (center) of the Norwin High School Air Force ROTC at their annual banquet while his father Compatriot Andrew Capets (right) looks on. .
At the May regular Meeting, the General Arthur St Clair chapter was honored to have Running Bear as our guest speaker. He talked on his efforts to preserve his family heritage. Here, President Tom Carnahan presents Running Bear with the SAR certificate of Appreciation.
On Sunday May 28th, the Color Guard of the General Arthur St Clair Chapter of the SAR took park in a kickoff event for the “Adopt a Revolutionary Hero” initiative of the Derry Area Historical Society. This program took place at the Old Salem Community Church it Derry Township, Westmoreland County. The Church has an accompanying grave yard that is the final resting place for at least 30 Revolutionary War veterans. Over the centuries, the grave markers for these heroes have deteriorated. Without action, the markers will continue to worsen to the point of obliteration. The Derry Area Historical Society is taking steps to restore or otherwise preserve these monuments. You can learn more by visiting their website and click on the Adopt a Revolutionary Hero tab. In addition to the Derry Area Historical Society and the SAR, the Westmoreland Historical Society and a local re enactors group (performing a 21 gun salute) took part in the event.
On June 17th, the Gen Arthur St Clair Chapter joined the DAR Chapters for the annual Flag Day Luncheon at the Bishop Connare Center in Greensburg, PA. The Gen St Clair Color Guard posted the colors for the meeting. Pictured, past PASSAR President Duane Miller who participated with the Color Guard for the meeting.
On June 24th, the Gen Arthur St Clair Chapter took part in a grave dedication for Dr Samuel Sackett hosted by the Col. Andrew Lynn Chapter DAR. The St. Clair Color Guard posted the colors (picture: Jim Smith, Duane Myers, and Gary Bell). Past PASSAR President Ernie Sutton and 2nd VP Anthony Keefer spoke and Chaplin Ralph Shupp performed the benediction.
At the October regular meeting of the Gen Arthur St Clair Chapter of the SAR, three members were recognized with the SAR Service to Veterans Medal, which is awarded to SAR members who have given long and exemplary service to veterans. Those recognized were Duane Vernon Myers, Gary Stephen Bell, and James Palmer Smith for their work with the Armbrust Veterans Association. The award was presented by President Thomas Carnahan and PASSAR District Deputy Dr. Ernest Sutton.
Meeting attendance recognition: Continuing the tradition of member recognition for meeting attendance, St Clair President Thomas Carnahan presents Duane Myers (right) and James Shetler (left) with an auto tag for meeting attendance.
At the February 2018 meeting of the Gen Arthur St Clair Chapter President Carnahan (right) presents a Good Citizenship medal to Ray Zimmerman (left). Ray is a member of the Armburst Veterans Association, who takes part in Military Funeral Services as the bugler along with several other St Clair Chapter members. Zimmerman's award was at the recommendation of St Clair member Duane Myers (center).
In August of 2018, General Arthur St. Clair Chapter hosted the PASSAR BOM in Ligonier. Events included a tour of Ft Ligonier, a canon firing, wreath laying and the meeting itself with a keynote address by Monte Murty on Gen Arthur StClair.
2018 Officers: President Thomas Carnahan, 1st VP Whip Shetler, 2nd VP Gary Bell and Secretary/Treasurer Watson Lupher being sworn in by PASSAR President Greg Shively.
Here is Hattie Marie Lindey, the Gen Arthur St. Clair chapter oration winner, receiving the state-level Rumbaugh Historic Orations Neck Medallion during the PASSAR annual meeting at Valley Forge. A sponsorship certificate was also presented to her mentor, high school principal and district superintendent.
2019 Officers sworn in by Dr Ernest Sutton at the December meeting. L-R are Adam Puhak - Genealogist, Joseph Wingrove - Secretary, Whip Shetler - 1st VP. Thomas Carnahan - President, Gary Bell - 2nd VP, Dave Staples - Treasurer and Anthony Keefer - Registrar.
Adam Puhak receives his membership rosette at the December 2018 meeting. Welcome to the Chapter!
President Carnahan presents Duane Myers, Gary Bell and James Smith with the SAR Color Guard medals for their service representing the Gen Arthur St Clair Chapter. The presentation took place at the December 2018 meeting
At the December 2018 meeting, Roz Ashmun (DAR) was presented a Bronze Oak Leaf for her service and dedication in assisting The General Arthur St Clair Chapter, particularly with membership retention and new member documentation. Thank you for all you do for us!
President Carnahan presents Dr Ernest Sutton and Anthony Keefer The Distinguished Service Medal for dedicated service to the Chapter and the President. The presentation took place at the December 2018 meeting
The General Arthur St Clair Chapter presented 5 Public Service Awards in November 2018. Latrobe Police Chief James Bumar was the Law Enforcement recipient. He was unable to attend the November meeting and was awarded his medal at the January Meeting. Thank you for your service!
Rennick Steele spoke to the Chapter for the January 2019
meeting, Nancy Ward. President Carnahan presents a Certificate of Appreciation.
William Hare spoke to the Chapter for the February 2019
meeting, He spoke on Braddock's Trail. President Carnahan presents a Certificate of Appreciation.
The Braddock Trail Chapter of the DAR recently celebrated its 75th Anniversary. Dr. Ernest Sutton represented the General Arthur St Clair Chapter of the SAR at the celebration. He is pictured with Roz Ashmun.
At the April 2019 general meeting, Brian Brashear of the Brownsville Historical Society spoke to the group on the Nemacolin Castle and the Bowman Family
Gen St Clair Past President David Thompson represented our SAR Chapter at the French Embassy in Washington on Tuesday May 7, 2019 for the 74th Anniversary of the German Surrender. The French awarded 5 Legion of Merit Awards to men who were there on D-Day. Pictured with David is his neighbor David.
On May 18, 2019 Hattie Lindey attended our general meeting to perform her oration that was submitted as our nominee to the state. Here VP Shetler gives Hattie a Certificate of Appreciation.
The General St Clair Chapter awards members for meeting attendance. If you attend 5 meetings, you receive a token of appreciation from the Chapter. This year's award is a replica of the Liberty Bell. The first group to meet the criteria are: Joe Wingrove, Tom Carnahan, Duane Myers, Dave Staples, Watson Lupher, Bob Dietrick and Gary Bell. With 7 functions left this year, there is still plenty of time to claim yours!
St Clair members took part in 2019 Memorial Day observances at the Oak Grove Cemetery in Uniontown PA. Participating members included Jim (Whip) Shetler, Tony Keefer, and Joe Wingrove.
PASSAR District 8 Deputy Ernest Sutton presented the PASSAR Medium Chapter Activities Award to the Gen Arthur St Clair Chapter for the 2018 calendar year. This is the 5th consecutive CA award issued to the St Clair Chapter. Dr. Sutton also presented the Oration Flag Streamer to the Chapter as well as other recognition items from National.
Gen Arthur St Clair Secretary Joseph Wingrove presents William "Bud" Quinn the 2019 Fire Service Award. William was a member of the Bullskin Twp VFD (BTVFD) from it's inception in the early 1960's. He was instrumental in acquiring equipment and apparatus for a VFD that had none. William's leadership and tireless fund-raising efforts have helped grow the BTVFD into the fully equipped department it is today. Bud's wife Beverly looks on.
Three more recipients of the 5 meeting awards: Duane Miller, Ernie Sutton and Tony Keefer all received their awards at the July meeting! Congratulations and Thank You.
The 2019 Annual Picnic was a great success. There were 33 attendees and several went on a tour of the Hannastown site following the picnic. Length of service awards (for 5 year multiples) were awarded to Bob Dietrick (5 yrs), Tom Carnahan (10 yrs) Gary Bell (20 yrs) and Dr Ernest Sutton (10 yrs with St Clair and 50 yrs as a SAR member). Those not present had their certificates mailed. % meeting awards were also given to Ralph Shupp and Adam Puhak.
Festifall 2019 - Above Tony Keefer, Joe Wingrove and Jerry Clark took part in period dress while below Adam Puhak (center) represented the Chapter in the Tug of War Games
New Member Rosette Presentation. Harry Leisure was presented his Membership Rosette at the December Meeting
Veteran's Day 2019
Membership Activities
At the October 2019 Meeting 3 more members were presented awards for attending 5 meetings. Recipients are: Darrel Stoops, Nick Hulyk and Whip Shetler.
Working along with the DAR, stations set up to introduce and recruit potential Chapter members to the SAR and DAR.
Secretary Joe Wingrove was presented with the Chapter Distinguished Service Award for his service to the Chapter over the 2019 calendar year.
At the December 2019 Meeting 2 more members were presented awards for attending 5 meetings. Recipients are: Jim Smith and Jerry Clark
2020 Gen Arthur St Clair officers following the Oath of Office ceremony. Pictured (from left): Adam Puhak-Registrar, Whip Shetler-1st VP, David Staples-Treasurer, PASSAR President Wayne Strasbaugh passing the gavel, Tom Carnahan-President, Gary Bell-2nd VP, Anthony Keefer-Genealogist, and Joseph Wingrove-Secretary.
PASSAR President Wayne Strasbaugh and his wife Carol were presented with tokens to commemorate their visit to the Gen Arthur St. Clair Chapter in December 2019 where he swore in the 2020 officers.
At our January 2020 Meeting, PASSAR Chaplain Rev. David Felts spoke at our meeting as Rev Witherspoon who went on to be the first President of Princeton University.
Thank You for Your Service
At our February 2020 meeting, Veterans Recognition Committee awards that were issued by National were presented to our members who were present (L-R): Ray Zimmerman, Gary Bell, Ron Thomas, Bob Dietrick, Duane Myers, Frank, Stillman, Darrel Stoops and Richard King.
Megan Orient was our featured speaker for the February 2020 meeting. She spoke on her family's (Hepler) area Gristmills.
On May 23, 2000 Following the George Washington Chapter wreath-laying ceremony for Patriot Harry Lenox Sheppard at Wesley Cemetery in Scottsdale, Gen Arthur St. Clair compatriots conducted Chapter wreath laying for Patriot Philip A.Reagan, a patriot ancestor of Gary Bell, and Keaton & Chuck Detwiler. Pictured L-R Duan V Myers, Gary Bell, Col. Sutton, and Duane Miller)
At the July 2020 Meeting of the Gen Arthur St Clair Chapter, the Chapter was presented several awards that would have been presented at the PASSAR BOM which was cancelled due to the Covid Pandemic. For the 6th consecutive year the St Clair Chapter won the Medium Size Chapter Activities Contest. The plaque was presented by PASSAR Historian Ernest Sutton. Members receiving the plaque above were L-R George Walborn, Jim Smith, Adam Puhak, Lowell Alcorn, Dr Ernest Sutton, President Tom Carnahan, Treasurer David Staples, Harry Leasure, John Cupp, Bob Dietrick, Seated: Tony keefer, Watson Lupher and Gary Bell. The Chapter also received recognition for participation in the Wreaths Across America and Partners in Patriotism (right)
Hattie Lindey was presented a certificate and a scholarship check for being the Chapter winner of the NSSAR Joseph S. Rumbaugh Historical Oration Contest. She has won Chapter Honors for 3 consecutive years, and was the Chapter nominee to the PASSAR Contest.
Hattie Lindey accompanied by her Father, Eric was presented the PASSAR award for winning the State NSSAR Joseph S. Rumbaugh Historical Oration contest. The PASSAR award was presented by Past President Ernest Sutton. Way to go, Hattie!
Adam Puhak was given a Certificate of Appreciation for his presentation of the new Patriot Research System. Adam was also awarded the LaFayette medal for 40 hours of Volunteer Service to the SAR on the PRS.
On August 15, the General Arthur St Cleir Chapter held its annual picnic at the Crawford Cabin in Conellsville. There were about 30 members and guests in attendance. Length of service awards were presented, Lance Westerlund received his membership rosette, Jerry Clark received an award from National and Whip Shetler received a Service to Veterans Award,
On September 12, 2020 The General Arthur St Clair Chapter Color Guard was pleased to assist in the Dedication Ceremony of Zachary Coughenour's Eagle Scout Project. Zachary updated the grave site of Zachariah Connell, Revolutionary War Patriot and Founder of Connellsville.
On September 19, 2020, Gen Arthur St Clair compatriots FP Duane Miller and Ernest Sutton at Fort Ligonier Annual George Washington Friendly Fire talk.
January 2021, PASSAR President D Felts presents Dr. Ernie Sutton the LaFayette Volunteer Service Medal at our Chapter meeting.
January 2021, PASSAR President D Felts installs the 2021 Officers: Pictured L-R, David Felts, 1st VP Gary Bell, Treasurer David Staples, President Tom Carnahan, and Genealogist Anthony Keefer
January 2021, PASSAR President D Felts presents the Oration and PG Education Outreach Flag Streamers from National to the Chapter. Pictured L-R: David Felts, Gary Bell, David Staples and Tom Carnahan
President Tom Carnahan presents David Staples the 2020 Chapter Distinguished Service Award for his excellent work as Chapter Treasurer at the January meeting.
January 2021, PASSAR President D Felts presents an Oak Leaf Cluster to Anthony Keefer for his efforts in recruiting new members,
Certificate of Appreciation was awarded to Pittsburgh Chapter President Jon Coulter, who spoke at the April 2021 meeting on the influences of images on our perception of history.
At the May meeting, the first of the 2021 5 Meeting awards were presented. Awards went op Ernie Sutton, Dave Staples, Gary Bell, Tony Keefer and Tom Carnahan. The 2021 awards are a key chain with the new SAR logo
A Certificate of Appreciation was awarded to Jerry Clark who presented the May Program on Music through our history.
At the June 2021 Meeting Public Service Awards were given out. The Fire Service Award was given to White Valley Chief John Bohinc, the Law Enforcement Award was given to Fayette County DA Richard E. Bower and the Good Citizen Award was given to Fayette County Commissioner Vincent Vicites for his assistance with the Covid Response. Awards were presented by President Thomas Carnahan. Ernie Sutton, Duane Miller and Tony Keefer took part in the ceremony.
At the June meeting Harry Leasure and Frank Stillman were awarded the 2021 5-meeting awards
At the 2021 Spring BOM St. Clair Compatriot Frank Stillman was awarded the Boy Scout Volunteer Award. The award was presented by Ernie Sutton.
On July 24, 2021, Frank Stillman and Ernest Sutton presented Eagle Scout Certificates of Recognition at the Eagle Scout Court of Honor to the first two female Eagles in the 2021 Inaugural Class for Pennsylvania.
At the July meeting Dustin Barnett and Duane Miller were awarded the 2021 5-meeting awards
At the July meeting, the Bronze Good Citizenship medal was awarded to Ed Christofano for his work in organizing and issuing shots during the Covid pandemic,
St Clair Chapter receiving the PG Educational Outreach Award that was awarded at Congress. The presentation occurred at the Uniontown BOM.
The 2021 Picnic was held at the Braddock's Crossing site in Fayette County. Length of service awards were presented to Watson Lupher (50 years) Duane Miller (20 years) and David Staples (5 years). Attendance awards were presented to Ed West and Lance Westerlund. A great time was had by all who attended. .
The Gen Arthur St. Clair Color Guard and the Pennsylvania Society Ladies Auxiliary during the summer Uniontown BOM Wreath-Laying at the Lincoln Cemetery on August 7.2021.
Hugh Fawcett receives his New Membership Rosette at the October 2021 meeting
The Gen Arthur St. Clair Color Guard participated in a grave dedication at Poke Run cemetery for Isaac Sadler with the DAR on 9/23/21
More "5 Meeting" awards were presented at the October 2021 meeting. (L-R) Adam Puhak, Nick Hulyk, Hugh Fawcett, Tom Carnahan (presenter) and Ron Thomas.
At the October 2021 meeting, our speaker was Thomas Klingensmith of Proctor's Militia (Reenactor Group) who presented a talk on military and militia of the period.
December 2021, PASSAR President Andrew Lick swears in the 2022 officers of the Ge. Arthur St Clair Chapter. Frank Stillman, President.
Incoming Officers
L-R, Harry Leasure (Gen), Frank Stillman (Pres), Gary Bell (1VP), Joseph Wingrove (Chaplin) , Dustin Barnett (Sec), and Ed West (2 VP)
The Gen Arthur St. Clair Membership with PASSAR President Andrew Lick 12/18/21
The Gen Arthur St. Clair Color Guard placing a black ribbon on the SAR Flag in memory of Compatriot Gregory Barnhart at the December 2021 meeting.
The Gen Arthur St. Clair Passing of the gavel. Incoming President Frank Stillman (L), PASSAR President Andrew Lick (C) and outgoing President Tom Carnahan (R). December 2021
At the January 2022 meeting, Brandon Cope discussed his Eagle Scout Project restoring a patriot grave at St John's Cemetery
At the February 2022 Meeting, our Chapter youth awards winners were in attendance to read their Essays. Left, Luke Rainey read his essay for the SAR Knight Essay Contest. Middle, Kaden Browe read his Eagle Scholarship essay. Both were presented a scholarship check from the Chapter. Both young men will represent the Gen Arthur St Clair Chapter at the State level.
Mary Lauffer of the Phoebe Bayard Chapter of the DAR is given a Certificate of Appriciation for her presentation on the history of her DAR Chapter during our April Meeting
Duane V Myers (center) was recently awarded a Purple Heart for wounds suffered during a classified mission in the 1950's. The SAR recognized Duane at our April Meeting with a SAR Purple Heart certificate. The presenters are President Frank Stillman (Left) and Dr. Ernest Sutton (Right)
The 2022 Five Meeting Award for 2022 is a copy of the Book Getting Down to Earth about excavations around Hanna's Town in Westmoreland County
At the April 2022 meeting, Anthony Keefer was presented the Liberty Medal that was awarded at the National Conference in March
At the May meeting, Compatriot Harry Leasure was awarded the Marshall E Lignian Certificate for membership
At the May 2022 meeting of PASSAR BOM, the General Arthur St Clair Chapter was awarded the Most Active Chapter Award for 2021. This marks the 1st time since our membership numbers pushed us into the Large Chapter category
At the April meeting, Compatriot Dr Ernest Sutton was awarded the VP General Award that was awarded at the National Conference in March
The speaker for our May Meeting was Wild Willie Frankfort, a Master Horner. He had a very interesting topic of how horns are made and he brought a number of his creations to display. President Stillman presented Frankfort with a Certificate of Appriciation after his presentation.
The 2022 Picnic returned to Hanna's Town site in Westmoreland County. Length of service awards were presented. A great time was had by all who attended. Following the meal, members toured the tool exhibit at the museum. Thanks to Duane and Mary Ellen Miller for putting tpgether the successful event.
More 5 meeting awards were presented. To the left, Duane Myers was presented at the September meeting, Below Ernie Sutton, Gary Bell, Ray Zimmerman and Robert Hepler received their awards in October. Meeting attendance is essential in keeping an active chapter. Thanks to all who participate on a regular basis.
At the October regular meeting, mourning streamers were placed on the flags by the Color Guard. The streamer on the SAR flag is in remembrance of Joseph Moyer and Thomas Celli, members who have recently passed. The streamer on the US flag is in remembrance of the passing of Queen Elizabeth III.
Howard McMurtrie, retired PA State Police Trooper was our speaker in September. He gave an enlightened talk on traffic rules and regulations.
On October 29, 2022, The Major Isaac Sadler - La Belle Vue Chapter of the DAR (from Nebraska) along with the Fort Hand Chapter dedicated a marker at Poke Run Presbyterian Church to honor the Patriots who are interred there. The General Arthur St Clair Chapter SAR was honored to participate by provide the Color Guard for the event.
At the October meeting, President Frank Stillman awards the membership rosette to a new member.
At the February meeting, President Frank Stillman awards the membership rosette to Keith Reynolds.
At our March meeting, Our 2022 Chapter Eagle Scout Scholarship winner, CJ Frederickson attended our meeting to read his submission.
Bill Bray presented a program on work on the Civil War Graves at Old Brush Creek Cemetery during our February meeting
At the March 2023 meeting, our speaker was
Phil Light, who presented a program on the Forbes Road
In April, Mt Pleasant Township’s Semiquincentennial (250th) Anniversary Celebration was held at Roosevelt Hall in Norvelt. Our Color Guard was asked to participate
More 5 meeting awards were presented. To the left, Duane Myers was presented at the September meeting, Below Ernie Sutton, Gary Bell, Ray Zimmerman and Robert Hepler received their awards in October. Meeting attendance is essential in keeping an active chapter. Thanks to all who participate on a regular basis.
At the October 24 meeting, General George Washington was our speaker
In October 2024, The Phoebe Bayard Chapter of the DAR Sponsored a cleaning of the Arthur and Phoebe St Clair Grave Marker at St Clair Park. When complete, they placed a wreath at the site. Our Color Guard was a participant in the day's events.